How can I convert MP3s with Nero Recode?

Besides converting video files and video discs ‘Nero Recode’ allows you to convert audio file formats to mp3 files quickly and easily.

Drag & Drop auido files via ‘Windows Explorer’ to ‘Nero Recode’ drop zone. ‘Nero Recode’ will read the format and open the job window.

Most left under number 1 ‘for which device?’ click on the music button and  select MP3. Here, you also have a choice of other high quality audio formats.

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The audio bitrate will be set automatically. For manual selection of a preferred quality open the drop down list. Finally, you just need to specify the storage location and click ok.

Your job will be displayed on the home screen. Click ‘Start Encoding’ and your jobs will be processed rapidly.

Via ‘Browse’ go to the location on your hard disk or press play to listen to the encoded song.

Also check out the video tutorial.

Nero KnowHow 00037

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