How to play videos, photos, and music located on my PC wirelessly to Nero Receiver?

Nero Receiver is compatible to many UPnP / DLNA media servers like Windows Media Player®, Cyberlink Power DVD®,  Nero MediaHome®, and more. Nero Receiver is available at Google Play Store for mobile phones and Android TV.

In Combination with Nero MediaHome on your PC, Nero Receiver even extends its functions:

  • Navigation functions: play single videos or several videos in sequence, and make use of previous title/next title
  • Via search function jump to any place withing your movie
  • Play Nero MediaHome design slideshows with effect designs, intro, outro, titles, and matching music
  • Viewing of family and friends via face recognition
  • Simply viewing places you have visited
  • Browsing and playing of your personal collection of movies and TV Shows via movie poster thumbnails
  • Listening to your favorite songs and music genres via your music playlist

This is how you use Nero Receiver via Nero MediaHome


  1. Open Nero MediaHome on your PC
  2. Select the “Play To“ button presenting the active device list
  3. Select “Nero Receiver” from this list
  4. Select a video, photo, slideshow, or a music playlist in Nero MediaHome
  5. Click on the play button in Nero MediaHome
  6. Your mobile device will load and immediately play your selection
  7. Via play control in Nero Receiver use Pause, Start, Stop, previous/next Title

This is how you use Nero Receiver via Windows Media Player®

WMP - cast

  1. Select a file via Windows Explorer
  2. Right click on the chosen file and select “Cast to device”, then select “Nero Receiver”
  3. Your selected video will show as thumbnail within the streaming playlist window and autoplay once loaded
  4. If you selected several videos as a playlist Nero Receiver will play them sequentially
  5. Full navigation controls Start/Stop/Pause/previous/next Title will only be available in Windows MediaPlayer Streaming window
  6. Within Nero Receiver you can use Play/Pause/Stop

Before you can do media streaming via Windows Media Player® you need to activate media streaming under “Windows Control Panel“, once:

  1. Open “Windows Control Panel” and type “Media” into the search field top right
  2. Click on “Media Streaming Options” (located directly under “Network and Sharing Services”)
  3. Activate media streaming via clicking on the respective button
  4. Personalise streaming options to your needs

Nero KnowHow 00057

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