How can I enable or disable individual applications of Nero Volume License Products?

Nero BurnRights is an application available within Nero Volume License Products, only.

Nero BurnRights easily allows domain administrators to manage the behavior of Nero applications related to burning and other functions.

In this FAQ we show you how to enable or disable individual  Nero Applications within Nero Volume License Products.

Let us take the example of disabling Nero Recode in a given system.

Launch Nero BurnRights, enable “Advanced” mode.

In the left panel, expand the item “Nero Applications” and select “Nero Recode 2018”.

In the right panel, change the option from “Everybody” to “Nobody”, and click “Apply” or “OK” to apply the changes.

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Once done,  launching Nero Recode will be blocked.


In Nero Launcher, the button Nero Recode will be grayed out.

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Other functions manageable with Nero BurnRights

For details on other functions click on the link of the dedicated FAQs above.

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