Does Nero offer Subscription Products, and what are the Conditions of Purchase?

Yes. Nero offers 365 days product subscriptions of Nero 2018 Platinum in two flavors.

  • 365 Days License: valid for 365 days with the option of manual renewal at the end of the contract period
  • 365 Days License (auto-renewal): valid for 365 days with auto-renewal at the end of the contract period

Nero subscriptions allow you to always use the latest product. This includes free updates* and also upgrades* to a latest product version (including new features) while your subscription is active.

365 Days License
This type of subscription allows you to always use the latest product. It includes free updates* and upgrades* to a latest version including new features while your subscription is active. As soon as a new version of the software is available, you will be informed via email.

Shortly before your subscription period ends, you will be notified. You have the option to renew your subscription manually. If you do not wish to extend your subscription, there is nothing else to do.  Your subscription will end at the defined ending date and the software will be deactivated.

Example: Say your subscription started on June 1, 2017 and a new version of Nero Platinum is launched in September 2017. You will be notified via email that a new version and a respective download link is available. Within this mail you will also receive a new serial number. The latest product version can then be used until May 31, 2018, inclusively. Unless you manually renew your contract, the usage period will terminate at June 1, 2018.

365 Days License (auto-renewal)
This type of subscription allows you to always use the latest product. It includes free updates* and upgrades* to a latest version including new features while your subscription is active. As soon as a new version of the software is available, you will be informed via email.

Shortly before your subscription period ends, you will be notified that your subscription is going to end and that your contract will be auto-renewed to another 365 days, unless you cancel it. In the case of cancelling your contract, your subscription will end at the defined ending date and the software will be deactivated.

Example: Say you have bought a subscription on June 01, 2017 and a new version of Nero Platinum is launched in September 2017. You will be notified via email that a new version and a respective download link is available. Within this mail, you will also receive a new serial number. This product version can then be used until May 31, 2018. The contract period will auto-renew on June 1, 2018 for another 365 days, unless you cancel your contract.

*For the difference between an upgrade and an update please check Nero KnowHow FAQs by clicking on below links:

Nero KnowHow 00009, Nero KnowHow 00075

EN subscription matrix

Nero KnowHow 00095


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