What should I do if I experience problems with VC Redist installation failure?

The problem is caused by the fact that there are still damaged entries from VC 2015-2022 on your system, which block the new installation.

Error message of 'vc redist' failed to be installed

Please follow below steps to resolve the issue.

  1. Please install all windows update by manually.
  2. Open the Control Panel – Programs and Features – Uninstall a program
  3. Uninstall Microsoft Visual C ++ 2015 or 2017 or 2019 Redistributable from your system. The detail name depends on which version installed on your system.
  4. Restart the computer
  5. Download the installer from below link then reinstall.

x64:Β https://ecloud.nero.com/index.php/s/QNMCPAsed7dKHgy
x86:Β https://ecloud.nero.com/index.php/s/L8xKNNxd62fSpia

After that, please retry Nero’s installation.

We hope it resolved your problem. If not, please contact Nero support.


Nero KnowHow 00134

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