Do Nero Video and Nero Recode support exporting AVC 2K files?

Available Products: Nero Platinum Suite, Nero Platinum Suite 2021, Nero Video 2021, Nero Recode 2021


The answer is “Yes”.


Nero Video

In the new generation of Nero Video, we added 4 AVC 2K resolution support into the profile “AVC Ultra HD (4K)”. Select 2K resolution to export AVC 2K files.

Nero Video

Nero Recode

In the new generation of Nero Recode, in the profile “AVC Ultra HD (4K)” you can also find 4 AVC 2K resolutions. Select 2K resolution to export AVC 2K files.

Nero Recode

Nero KnowHow 00211

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How can Nero Video export or package media files which are used in the project?

Available Products: Nero Platinum Suite, Nero Platinum Suite 2021, Nero Video 2021


While using Nero Video to create your own movie, Nero Video can import your own media files like Video, Music or Pictures from different folders or different devices like TV or Camera. At the same time, all media files can be managed in the “My Media” palette.

Sometimes, if you want to consolidate your media files in your disks, or edit the Nero Video project in another PC, you have to

  1. Manually check and copy all used files in the Nero Video project to a specific folder.
  2. Copy or save the Nero Video project to the specific folder again.
  3. It is possible that you have to fix the Nero Video project file issue first before opening the project again. If certain files cannot be set correctly, these files and related applied effects will be removed.

Nero Video 2021 now supports exporting or packaging the project file and used media assets.

Once you have finished video editing and click “Save”, you can “Save project file and assets” by clicking the button “Save As …”.

Popup dialog

Then the Windows folder selection dialog pops up, and you can select the folder which you want to export or package the whole folder. You can even select a removable device or network drive.



Depending on the number of the files you need to export and package, the whole export process will take some time. After the process is finished, you can open the folder to check the exported project and files.

Finish Export Folder

Other info: Nero Video will create a folder with the project name and the date info.



Nero KnowHow 00212


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Best Practice: Multi-Cam Editing with Nero Video

Series of five video tutorials showing you how to edit footage from a stage performance shot with four cameras which were recording continuously.

Access the playlist with the five tutorials as summarized below here:

Part 1: Stage Recording, Importing & Arranging Camera Sources
Introduces the background scenario of the recorded footage, shows you how to import and pre-trim the sources, and how to arrange the four camera sources in a multi tracks timeline based on shot priorities

Part 2: Match AV-Sync between Camera Sources
Shows you how to match AV-sync and have lip sync between the camera sources in four tracks.

Part 3: Match Color & Lighting between different Camera Sources
Shows you how to match color and lighting between the four camera source tracks.

Part 4: Use Master Audio, Intercut Scenes, Add Global Effects
Shows you how to use a master audio track, intercut scenes between the four camera source tracks, and how to add titles and global effects.

Part 5: Optimize Audio, Export Video, Watch Sample
The final part shows you how to optimize your master audio, how to export video for sharing to YouTube in good quality, and gives some tips for multi-cam live recording. Finally you will see the video of a stage performance of PopJazzChor Wiesbaden.

Nero KnowHow 00178

How can I drag a sequence of clips in one track as a whole and this way synchronize edit points in Nero Video within two tracks ?

In Nero Video ‘Advanced Editing’ there are different tools available that will help you multi-selecting clips in one or more tracks, so that you can drag them to the desired position in the timeline.

Such tools can be accessed via the list of selecting/trimming tools at the right hand side of the timeline. Inside of the tool box just click on the little arrow bottom left of the box.

2. select track tool

Marquee Tool

The ‘Marquee Tool’ allows you to draw a selection mark around clip sequences in one or more tracks of the timeline so that you can drag sequences of clips without losing your already made edits inside of the selection. This tool is pre-selected in the tool box.

1. click on the ‘Marquee Tool’
2. mark the clips that you want to move
3. select the ‘Standard Tool’ again
4. drag the sequence of clips to the wanted position

1. marquee tool

2. select & move

Select Track Tools

There are also more selective track selection tools associated to one track only, so that you can drag sequences of clips without losing your already made edits inside of the track. To access the options click on the small triangle located in the tool box bottom left.

  • mark all clips in the given track
  • mark only those clips located right of the selected clip
  • mark only those clips located left of the selected clip

Click on one of the tools and follow steps 2-4 as already described under ‘Marquee Tool’.

Nero KnowHow 00177

How can I check and modify the Order of Titles for Playback on my DVD Disc Menu?

Nero Video authoring module has three access points that help you checking the playback order of your titles.

1. The content screen allows you to import and sort the order of video titles on your disc. Via drag & drop or context menu, you can modify the playback order.


2. Within the menu selection screen via “Customize” and “Advanced Editing”, please check the order and linkage in “Poperties: Button” and the dropdown menu under “Link to”.


3. Finally, the preview window allows you to verify navigation and playback of titles in your disc menu, just like they will be played back on the DVD Player in your living room. If you find any mismatches here, please go back for modifications under #1 or #2.


Nero KnowHow 00175