Nero DVD Player 4.0 Updates

We are glad to introduce the new 4.0 version of Nero DVD Player with all the newly designed user interfaces. Hope this update can bring some new feelings to you.

New functions:

  • Support MP4 and MKV media file playback which is totally free.
  • Support loading subtitles during media playback.
  • Support loading Nero NRG DVD video disc image.

Nero KnowHow 00261

Nero Video Motion Tracker FAQ

How to get a better tracking result?

To get better tracking results, you shall choose the proper target to track. The target shall have enough features for the application to distinguish between the target and the background. If you choose a plain color to track, the application will not be able to recognize the tracking area with the background. Before starting tracking, please preview your video and check if the target’s size changes much or not. If the target’s size does not change much, turn off the “Adaptive scaling“ option to get better accuracy and performance.

Video Extensions

Q: Why do I need to install the other video extensions from Microsoft Store?

A: The Motion Tracker uses a new 64-bit architecture based on the Microsoft Media Foundation technology which means the video decoding and encoding is different from Nero Video. Microsoft Media Foundation must use video extensions to decode and encode some videos like HEVC.

File Problems

Q1: Some videos can be imported to Nero Video but cannot be used in Motion Tracker, what should I do?

A: You can export the source video to AVC with the original resolution in Nero Video first. Then import the exported AVC video to Nero Video to do motion tracking.

Q2: Some video preview is not good/black/flickering in Motion Tracker, what should I do?

A: You can export the source video to AVC with the original resolution in Nero Video first. Then import the exported AVC video to Nero Video to do motion tracking.

Q3: The preview is different between the Nero Video and Motion Tracker, what should I do?

A: You can export the tracked result in Motion Tracker to video first. Then import the exported video to Nero Video to do further editing.

Hardware Acceleration

Q: What is the function of the “HWA“ button? Why is the button disabled sometime?

A: The “HWA“ button is used to switch between hardware acceleration and software acceleration during playback. When the hardware acceleration is enabled, the button’s color turns orange. The button will be disabled when the video codec does not support hardware or software acceleration.

Nero KnowHow 00288

🛒 Click and Get Nero Platinum Suite

Posso usar modelos de menu de DVD criados automaticamente com o Nero 9 ou o Nero 10 no Nero 2019?

Sim, se ambas as versĂ”es estiverem instaladas no mesmo PC, isso Ă© possĂ­vel com alguma solução alternativa. Por padrĂŁo, o Nero Video nĂŁo suporta menus personalizados criados com o Nero Vision no Nero 9. Siga os passos mencionados abaixo. Isso deve funcionar de forma idĂȘntica para modelos de menu criados automaticamente do Nero Vision Xtra (Nero 10).

Copie seu menu de disco personalizado do Nero 9 localizado na pasta “C:\Users\<User>\Documents\NeroVision\Templates\CE” para “C:\Users\<User>\Documents\NeroVideo\Templates\CE” que Ă© usado para Nero Video 2019.

1. Navegue atĂ© cada pasta de menu de disco e encontre um arquivo com a extensĂŁo “* .tpl”. (abaixo exemplo mostra pasta “This PC\Documents\NeroVideo\Templates\ CE \ 1\ TemplateCreatedbyNero9\SD.4.3”)

TPL_12. O arquivo * tpl Ă© um arquivo xml onde vocĂȘ precisa adicionar um identificador exclusivo global (GUID) para que vocĂȘ possa abri-lo no Nero Video. Acesse este site, siga as duas etapas na captura de tela abaixo e copie um dos GUIDs (cada linha abaixo representa um GUID).

Online GUID3. Clique com o botĂŁo direito do mouse no arquivo * tpl do menu que vocĂȘ moveu para ”
 NeroVideo\Templates\CE” antes e selecione para editĂĄ-lo com o texto do Windows “Editor”.
4. Clique em um espaço vazio apĂłs a entrada“<metadata>”(4Âș elemento na linha)
5. Insira uma nova string “<GUID>{******}</GUID>”
6. Cole seu GUID nos colchetes {******}. Isto serĂĄ como, por exemplo:
GUID_added7. Salve o arquivo e reinicie o Nero Video
8. Abra o modelo na página de seleção do menu Nero Video em “Meus modelos de menu”
menu selection customized
9. Faça isso para cada menu que vocĂȘ deseja entregar de Nero Vision para Nero Video

Nero KnowHow 00160

Changelog – Nero Score ( Microsoft Store version) – Add the “RAID” marker for the software mode RAID disks ( Microsoft Store version) – Support disk speed test to test the performance of SSD/HDD

The disk test has two modes: quick test and detailed test.

Quick test only tests the disk sequential read and write speed to let you know the difference of actual disk speed compared to the nominal speed in the specification and the performance when copying large files from one place to another.

Detailed test tests 4K random read and write speed additionally to let you know the disk performance when running applications (e.g video games) or system startup.

Disk score = (Sequential read + Sequential write)/2 + (4K random read + 4K random write)/2 – Support sign in with Nero Account and submits the score with your nickname. – Removed the initialization time for AVC encoding and decoding tests to provide more accurate scores – Added the Metaverse test to benchmark the 3D rendering frame rate of the GPU

Nero Score = (CPU score + GPU score)/2

CPU score = (CPU AI + CPU AVC)/2

GPU score = (GPU 3D + GPU AVC)/2 – Added AVC decoding/encoding test for GPU and CPU

Nero Score = (CPU score + GPU score)/2

CPU score = (CPU AI + CPU AVC) / 2

GPU score = GPU AVC – Initial version with CPU-based AI inference test for photo tagging

Nero Score = CPU AI

Nero KnowHow 00248

How close is your PC to the Metaverse?

What is the Metaverse?

The metaverse is a shared virtual 3D world, or worlds, that are interactive, immersive, and collaborative. Just as the physical universe is a collection of worlds that are connected in space, the metaverse can be thought of as a bunch of worlds, too. People call metaverse the next iteration of the internet—one that we relate to not just by photos and videos and text, but by touch and interaction between elements rendered in Virtual or Augmented Reality that emulate real-world situations. If social media has been an important communication tool, then the “metaverse” could be the next frontier of connectivity and interaction.



Nero Score Metaverse Benchmark

Outstanding 3D real-time rendering capabilities will bring you a more immersive digital experience and bring us one step closer to the metaverse.

Nero Score now adds a new test unit for measuring the performance of 3D real-time rendering on graphics cards.



The GPU metaverse benchmark measures how many frames per second a 3D asset can be rendered on a given GPU. The results of this test will allow you to compare the scores of different GPUs in this domain. You can also compare the different performances that may exist between the AVC solution and the Metaverse solution on the same graphics card.


Nero KnowHow 00249