How can I safely clean my image archive and remove duplicate images?

Our users are frequently asking this question. From version 2018, Nero Platinum has an answer to such questions. The brand new application ’Nero DuplicateManger Photo‘ addresses and solves issues with duplicated images fast and easily.

How does a big amount of duplicated photos heap up on your PC?

Anyone using his PC to archive his photo collection from smartphones, digital cameras, USB sticks, online storage, and the like, will have experienced the problem, probably more than once.

Let us take an example. Imagine you are enjoying a trip with family and friends. For sure, anyone of the group will take the chance of shooting photos and you will see quite a range of different devices. The trip is ending and everybody has shot nice images that he wants to exchange with everyone in the group.

Back home you might transfer your own images to your PC right away, and in order to initiate the photo sharing, you use an online storage for sending a link to your travel mates. And indeed, step by step the other images are being shared. But not everybody likes sharing online. One guy is sending the images on a DVD, another one makes use of a USB stick sent via post mail, and you also receive some images as email attachments.

By the nature of this sharing situation, nobody can take a central control over the images shared via the different media and channels. So, most probably, it will happen that you are going to copy anything, and end up with many duplicates. Initially, you may not even realize this, but over time, you will be irritated to see that your media library contains so many duplicates and the storage space on your PC is shrinking dramatically.

Even if the circumstances might be different in your situation, the problem of duplicates heaping up will be the same. And, there is a second problem. Which images should I keep? Which should I delete?

Due to the fear of deleting unrecoverable memories, there is a strong tendency not to answer this question at all and just leave the status quo. This of course will let you circle around the problem in endless loops.

’Nero DuplicateManager Photo‘ deals with your typical problem cases:

  • Folder(s) with identical content copied to several drives or folder paths
  • Folder(s) with identical content but different folder name copied to several drives or folder paths
  • Photos with identical content copied several times by accident
  • Photos with identical content but different name copied several times by accident

How does Nero DuplicateManager work?

In three simple steps:

  1. Select drive or folder > next > automatic duplicate detection
  2. Overview with proposal what is save to delete and what you should have removed > next > removal
  3. Status page with options for deletion and recovery

Step 1

On Nero DuplicateManager start page select your drives and folders like you do it in Windows Explorer. For multi-selection of several folders/drives use the control key.


Clicking ‘add’ enables you to add single or several folders, single drives, and also the whole system (‘This PC’) for detection and cleaning.

Click next and the detection will be performed. This works quite fast but of course is depending on the amount of data on your selected storage location.


Step 2

The next screen already shows results for duplicated folders in the upper part. Single duplicated photos are shown below per line.


You will find green marked folders and images indicating that these are good to keep while the red indicated folders and images are set to be removed. For each proposal Nero DuplicateManager makes use of diverse criteria consisting of meta data and content detection data. The detection is very solid and you should have no problem taking over Nero DuplicateManager’s default proposal for removing your duplicated photos.

If you like to check the detection of duplicates, double click on a folder thumbnail or just click on ‘Detail view’ on the left hand side.

If you move the mouse over folders or images, a green or red icon will appear. If you click on the respective icon a green indication will turn red, and a red indication will become green. If you select the latter, e.g. you will mark this folder or image as not to be removed. This way you have full control on what you want to have removed or want to keep.

Clicking next will remove the red marked folders and images, and put them to the recycle bin.


Step 3

After the removal is done you will see the status page showing you the amount of removed data in the red box on the right hand side. If you want to check what was deleted click on ’Check‘. Via selection and right mouse click, you have the choice of finally deleting the images from the recycle bin or for restoring them.


If you decide not to permanently delete the images, you will have clean folders in Windows Explorer and in your media library, but the files will remain in your recycle bin eating up storage space.

Once you have used Nero DuplicateManager a number of times you will probably be convinced of the solidity of its cleaning results. This would be the point when you should go to ‘Options’ and select ’Permanently remove deleted images’. Next time you do a cleaning, this will automatically also clean the recycle bin, resulting in gaining more storage space right away.


Nero KnowHow 00086

How can I send my exported vertical video back to my smartphone easily?

This works fast and easily via ‘Nero MediaHome WiFi Sync App’.

Within your vertical project in Nero Video select the export function. Select the option ‘Add to Nero MediaHome Library’ in the export screen for your vertical video. When the export is finished open Nero MediaHome and you will see your vertical video listed (more on that further down).NMH library EN

Install the free App ‘Nero MediaHome WiFi Sync’ via Google Play (Android) or App Store (iOS) on your smartphone or tablet.

Make sure Nero MediaHome and Nero MediaHome WiFi Sync are logged in to the same network.

Make suere Nero MediaHome on your PC is running. While connected to the same network open Nero MediaHome WiFi Sync on your mobile device and switch it on. Nero MediaHome WiFi Sync will show your instance of Nero MediaHome. Click on it to activate the connection.NMH WiFi Sync_small

Nero MediaHome on your PC will now show your mobile device in the device view top left.

add to Hudl 2_2

Select your prior exported vertical video in Nero MediaHome and drag it to your mobile device top left, as shown here. The transmission will start right away. The status can be checked bottom left.


Now, on your mobile device open your preferred video player and play your vertical video.

vertical video theme

If you are utilizing the free App ‘Nero Streaming Player’ (Android/iOS) you will be able to watch your vertical video on your device or directly play it on Smart TV in the living room.

The description and procedures as laid out here adequately work for sending wide screen video to your smartphone and for streaming it to your TV.

Nero KnowHow 00085

Does Nero provide vertical video themes?

Yes, indeed.

In Nero Video Vertical Editing Mode available in Nero Platinum 2018 (and later) as well as Nero Video 2018 (and later) you will find a variety of Nero MovieThemes that you can easily utilize for quick and shiny vertical movies to share or watch on your smartphone. The themes cover typical topics like family, travel, events, pets, and outdoor action.
vertical theme

The ‘effect drop zone’ in intro and outro allows you to personalize your movie by simply dragging photos or videos into the preview window or timeline. The dropped asset will automatically be integrated into the animation pattern of the template.

The main movie part has integrated dedicated video effects per template like focus/out of focus (tilt shift), nostalgic effects, slow-motion, etc., and each template comes with an individually composed music track that automatically adapts to the duration of your project.

vertical theme 2

There is no need to know a lot about video editing, except that you need to decide which source videos or photos you want to use for your movie and where you might want to trim them. The rest is all done automatically via the pre-designed movie themes.

This way you can create vertical masterpieces in no time for sharing and watching on your mobile device.

vertical video theme

Nero KnowHow 00084

I have shot video with my smartphone vertically – how to edit and output this vertically, too?

Today, most videos and photos are captured via smartphones in portrait orientation, and are also shared and watched vertically. Following this trend, major social media platforms like YouTube and Facebook have introduced vertical video as a newly supported standard format.

Nero Video has comfortable functions to utilize this format out of the box, now.

Via the vertical video editing mode, Nero Video allows you to import, edit, and export portrait videos and photos in native vertical video format.

You can access the vertical video editing mode via Nero Video home screen either by dropping your files into the drop zone (dragging a 16:9 vertical video will automatically open a vertical editing project), or by clicking on the button ‘Edit Vertical Video’.

vertical EN

‘Express Editing’ and ‘Advanced Editing’ in almost all functions work exactly like the regular widescreen editing mode of Nero Video.

NV_Edit Vertical_1

Vertical Video – Express Editing

NV_Edit Vertical_3

Vertical Video – Advanced Editing

When selecting one of the new ‘Vertical Video MovieThemes’ intro, outro, visual effects and matching music will be added to your vertical movie automatically. This way you can create your vertical masterpieces in no time for sharing and watching on your mobile device.

Nero KnowHow 00083

Does Nero provide more Disc Menu Templates?

Indeed, with the product versions Nero Platinum 2018 and Nero Video 2018, Nero introduces a new range of video disc menu templates.

My Day DVD1

Design wise, the new movie themes templates are close to the also newly introduced MovieTheme templates: The disc menu templates have two categories. ‘My Day‘ disc menus include a variety of templates associated to family, travel, events, and pets. The second category ‘Action’ includes outdoor themes.
My Day 8 Menu

You can use these disc menu templates also completely independent of the MovieThemes.

Action 4 Menu

Via disc menu templates, you will create high quality playback menus for your Video-DVDs, AVCHD und Blu-ray Discs™ in a snap. Then just access the playback menu on your video disc via the remote control of your DVD or Blu-ray player.

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