How can I get the latest updates for my Nero Products?


Checking for Online Updates will get the updates for

  1. The basic components, free applications or Content Packages.
  2. The applications in the product which are selected in the Nero Account -> My product page.

Here is one map guide for you to understand the whole working flow.

One guide map

Let’s say you have both Nero Platinum Suite subscription and Nero Platinum 2021 available in your Nero Account.

Select Nero Platinum 2021 as the default product.


Then only the updates for installed applications in Nero Platinum 2021 will be listed in the Updates screen.

update item empty for np2021

If you switch to Nero Platinum subscription as the default product.

np 365

Then only the updates for installed applications in Nero Platinum will be listed in the Updates Screen.

update items for np 365 -1

After the check, a number badge will be shown in ‘Updates’ tab in the sidebar menu to indicate that how many applications are available to update.

highlight indicator for updates np365

To update the Install & Online Update configuration, click ‘Apply’ in the Options screen for the updated configurations to take effect.
For installing or updating, the applications need to run in administrator mode, so a UAC dialog will pop up to get permission while the installation is in progress.

option configured success


How to configure Install and Online Update
In the Options screen under section ‘Install & Online Update’, it is possible to set the Install and Update configurations.

  • Install location for Nero Products:

The root folder in which Nero Start will install all Nero products or applications.
• Change the install location setting will only apply to the next installation or update.
• The space size of the target drive for installations should exceed 5GB or more available space.

  • Temporary files

The folder used to store the temp downloaded files. Click the button ‘Delete’ to remove the whole folder and files.
The space size of the drive for storing temporary files should exceed 5GB or more available space

  • Online Update

Online update policy for Nero Products.
Click the button ‘Check for updates’ to skip the current modification in Option screen and open the ‘Updates’ tab to check the latest updates for installed applications in the selected product.

  • Download updates but let me choose whether to install them

While Nero Start launches, check and download the latest updates for the installed applications. After the installer packages have been downloaded, a notification will appear. Click the notification to continue with the installation.

  • Check for update but let me choose whether to download and install them (recommended)

While Nero Start launches, only check if there is any update for installed applications with selected product. The badge number will update at the same time.

  • Never check for updates (not recommended)

Never check updates for the selected product any more.

options-install and update


How to update or install applications in ‘Updates’ page
When the auto update check for the Nero Application is set, every time Nero Start launches, the application will check if there are any updates for the selected product.

In addition, you can check manually in the ‘Update’ tab by clicking ‘Check for updates’ button.

check for update

Below screenshot means that all applications are updated to the latest version.

update item empty for np2021

If there is any application available to update, it be listed up. You can click ‘Update’ button on each application or click on ‘Update all’ button.

highlight update or all

Click the button ‘Update’ will start to download. A progress bar will indicate the whole process.
At the same time, the downloading can be canceled by clicking the button ‘X’. While the application installing/updating begins, the whole process cannot be canceled any more.

highlight cancel botton

You can also click the button ‘Update all’ in the top-right to update all available applications to the latest version.

While the Nero application updating begins, you can leave the Updates screen. Nero Start will handle the whole process in the background, and you will be notified once complete.

notified after finish

If you exit Nero Start during updating or installing, a warning dialog will pop up.

exit during updating

Exiting Nero Start will cancel updating and installing. You can restart the update process by clicking ‘Update all’ or ‘Install all’ when launch Nero Start again.

If you failed to update application, you can click ‘Try again’ to try to download and install the application again.

In most cases it will fix the issue.

If the issue still exists, click the button ‘Send ticket’ to create a support ticket and our engineers will check and fix the issue.


Nero KnowHow 00216

What is Nero Score?


Nero Score is a free tool which measures your processor’s (CPU) multi-core power and is pushing your graphics card (GPU) to it’s maximum limit with real world multimedia use cases.

Score_High end

Nero Score is used by journalists to review hardware, hardware manufacturers to optimize their latest products, as well as computer owners to evaluate their individual system to make purchase decisions.


The initial version of Nero Score includes an CPU AI benchmark and measures how many pictures per second can be processed with artificial intelligence on the given CPU. So this in not about training an model, but actually applying a trained model on data (called inference). The outcome of this test will let you compare how different CPUs score in this domain. The result can be 1:1 matched with CPU-based AI inference solution, like e.g. Nero AI Photo Tagger. The data set for this test includes 50 pictures that will be inferred 3 times each. The format and size of the pictures doesn’t matter for this test as the AI inference only needs an input of 299×299 pixels in size anyway.


The roadmap for Nero Score foresees an extension into further multi-media related use cases utilizing CPU and multiple GPUs e.g. video encoding, 3D rendering.


Nero is fully transparency on the calculation of the actual score. Each of the tests executed within Nero Score will generate a score of it’s own. For example: The CPU AI benchmark measures how many pictures are processed per second. This number is multiplied by a factor of 25 to generate the score for this specific test. So there is a 1:1 relation between the score and the performance of the CPU for the given task. A PC with twice the score will be twice as fast.

As soon as there are more tests a total score will be calculated from the single results and the simple formula for this calculation will be made transparent, too. Over time there might be changes on how the score is calculated, those will be called out and documented with revisions to ensure that results are always reproducible and comparable.

HOW CAN I CHECK MORE REAL-WORLD PERFORMANCE DATA? will list all performance data which submitted by customers. Try Nero Score on your PC now, to see how your PC performs.


Download Nero Score from Nero Lab


  • Laptops should be connected to a power supply.
  • The high performance power plan should be selected on any device.
  • All open applications should be closed.
  • No user activity should be done in the foreground.
  • Background activity should be avoided e.g. no virus scans, software update downloads, cloud uploads.


At the moment Nero Score is supporting Windows 10 64-Bit exclusively.


Yes, for example “C:\Program Files (x86)\Nero\Nero Apps\Nero Score\NeroScore.exe” runtimes:50 stoptime:3 logfile:1 will executed the current test 50 times with a pause of 3 seconds in between and create a log file in %temp%\NeroScore (so inside he current users system temp folder).

  • runtimes: number of times the test should be run
  • stoptime: time between the runs in seconds
  • logfile: defines if a log file should be generated 1 = yes / 0 = no
  • logfilepath: alternative path for the log file e.g. “E:” or “D:\Score”
  • autoexit: defines if the application should exit after all tests are done 1 =yes / 0 = no
  • language: use any of the above 4 letter codes to define the application language manually (e.g. es-ES)
  • exepath: runs a specific application on exit (e.g. “C:\WINDOWS\system32\notepad.exe”)

Nero KnowHow 00235

How to fix RAW preview issue in Nero DuplicateManager Photo?

You may experience an empty preview for some RAW files. They are probably damaged or not supported by your system. You can double confirm this with the system Photos app.error
If it is because the system problem, installing RAW Image Extension may resolve your problem. Windows 10 has built-in support for RAW image from its 2019 update. You just need to install an extension from the Store.

Windows 10: Install the RAW Images Extension
To install and use the RAW Image Extension, you must be using the Windows 10 May 2019 Update (version 1903 or later). If you’re unable to install the extension, you will have to install the update from the Settings app or download it manually from Microsoft’s website.

The codec for this free extension is brought to you by the people at and doesn’t support every format of RAW images yet. To see if yours are compatible with this extension, check out the project’s website for an up-to-date list of supported cameras. The RAW Image Extension enables viewing images in Nero DuplicateManager Photo and the Photos app as well as thumbnails and previews. You also can open a RAW file’s properties window to see the metadata.

Head to the Microsoft Store and search for “Raw Images Extension,” or go directly to the Raw Image Extension page. Click “Get” to install it.

Now click “Install” to install the extension.

After the extension downloads and installs, close the Store and navigate to the folder with your RAW images. Thumbnails instantly generate inside of File Explorer.
Double-click on the image, click “Photos,” then click “OK.” Your RAW image will now open directly in the Photos app now.

Start Nero DuplicateManger Photo
Now please start Nero DuplicateManager Photo and run detection for the RAW files again. Nero DuplicateManager Photo also will list thumbnail and preview correctly.

Nero KnowHow 00232

After creating Raspberry Pi OS, how do I make my Windows system recognize all these cards at the same time again?

Nero USBxCOPY supports to create Raspberry Pi OS for multiple SD cards or sticks. There is no problem using these SD cards or memory sticks on the Raspberry Pi. For Windows, if you insert a single SD card or memory stick, the Windows system can also correctly identify the device.
But, if you connect multiple SD cards or sticks that have been created as Raspberry Pi OS to Windows at the same time, the system can only correctly recognize the first device. As shown in the screenshots below – the system can only recognize one disk (actually it is a SD card), and the other is offline. This is caused by some system limitations.

1_insert sticks back

2_only one stick recognized

You have to reset the disk volume information for these cards or sticks, if you want to make use of them at Windows system again.

Please follow below steps to update the removable disk volume information:

  1. Please open system ‘Computer Management’ > Storage > Disk Management. You may see some removable disks are marked as offline.
  2. Select a removable disk to update the volumes info. I will start with Disk 2, as an example. Please make sure you are operating on a right disk!
  3. Right click the ‘boot’ of Disk 2. Delete Volume. Click OK in system confirm message. 3_Delete Volumes
  4. Please delete the volume to another primary partition of Disk.
  5. Now Disk 2 is unallocated.
  6. Please new simple volume from context menu.4_new simple volume
  7. Follow the system wizard to continue.5_follow system wizard
  8. Please delete and new volume information for all sticks. It is fine to keep one stick as old volume information.
  9. After all are finished, please plug out all sticks and attached them back one by one. Then system will recognize all your sticks.

6_plug in again

6_plug in again_USB

Nero KnowHow 00231

AI Photo Tagger new feature survey – have your personalized AI tags locally

Nero AI Photo Tagger are not able to recognize all of your photos.

  • Do you want to have your own personalized AI tags and let Nero AI learning them?
  • Are you interested in turning your great machine learning ideas into reality?
  • Do you have any interesting to have your own AI recognition system locally, without uploading any data to the cloud?

For example, Nero AI Photo Tagger now only recognizes ‘flower’ and ‘tree’ of plants. With personalized AI tag local training, you can let Nero AI learn to recognize more kinds of flowers, such as ‘rose’ or ‘lily’. Of course, you need to prepare some photos for training, such as photos of rose or lily.

So, please tell us what do you think:

Nero KnowHow 00230