Nero Image Drive is gone – how can I mount ISO images now?

To access data available only as an ‘ISO disc image’ without burning you need to ‘mount’ the image. This will make the image available as virtual CD/DVD drive.

‘Windows 8’ and ‘Windows 10’ support this out of the box. Just double click on the file with the ‘.iso’ extension and it will show up in the ‘Windows Explorer’ tree.

If you use ‘Windows 7’ and older you can download below free tool from Microsoft to enable the functionality on your operating system, too.

Nero KnowHow 00006

How to stop Nero from opening my photos, videos, music?

When installing your Nero Product you will be asked if you want to open files with Nero. If you had set the respective mark during the installation process all compatible files will be opened with Nero applications.

When you want to modify this behavior just go to ‘Windows Control Panel’ and for each categoty set the option to ‘ask me ervery time’. In this case each file open process will pop up a ‘Windows’ selection screen for you to select the wanted program / device.

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If you want to set a dedicated different program / device just use the dropdown menu. In this case opening of the given format will start with your selected program / device by default.

Nero KnowHow 00039

How can I archive content on my smartphone wirelessly on my PC and vice versa?

I bet you know this situation: you have lots of photo and video stuff on your smartphone that you want to archive on your PC.  At the same time you have some favorite videos and fine tuned photos on your PC that you want to have on your smartphone to take with you.

Thanks to ‘Nero MediaHome WiFi Sync’ in combination with ‘Nero MediaHome’ on your PC there is an easy, wireless, fast and reliable solution providing all you ever wanted.


‘Nero MediaHome WiFi Sync’ works both ways: it wirelessly archives media files located on your mobile device to your PC,  and it sends selected media files from your PC to the mobile device. Comfortable auto-conversion included, if needed.

Make sure your mobile device and your PC are logged in to the same network. Open ‘Nero MediaHome’ on your PC. Switch on ‘Nero MediaHome WiFi Sync’. ‘Nero MediaHome’ on your PC will be auto-detected within the app and you are ready to start. In case you have more than one PC with ‘NeroMediaHome’ running in your network  select the suitable one.

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‘Nero MediaHome’ on your PC shows your mobile device in the device list top left. Click on your device, select photos and videos, and press ‘import’.

For transferring photos and videos from ‘Nero MediaHome’ to your mobile device, select files in ‘timeline’ view, ‘faces’ or ‘places’ view. Then drag and drop your photos and videos to your mobile device in the device list. Transferring will start immediately.

Install the iOS and Android app for free via the respective app store. Works in combination with Nero MediaHome 2017, Nero 2017 Platinum, Nero 2017 Classic, Nero Video 2017.

Also check the video tutorial

Nero KnowHow 00051

How can I clean and speed up my PC with Nero?

With ‘Nero TuneItUp’ you will analyze and fix common PC problems, and optimize system settings. When you launch ‘Nero TuneItUp’, you can click on the ‘check‘ button to scan your system. When the scanning is completed, you can then click on ‘Show & Fix‘ to resolve the issues found.


The ‘High Speed Mode’ lets programs and games run faster.  Just click on the ‘High Speed Mode‘ toggle switch to turn on the mode.


The free version lets you scan and solve all items in the ‘BASIC’ category.


The paid version ‘Nero TuneItUp PRO’ enables additional ‘Pro-Features‘ which are locked in the free version. These Pro-Features include faster system start-up, faster web-browsing, automatic optimization of Windows services, scanning for outdated drivers and software with direct update downloads from a central database, secure deletion of files, as well as a power-saving mode for longer battery life.


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